• Resolving to Change Old Habits

    Resolving to Change Old Habits We are well into the New Year now, and how are things going for you? Perhaps you have made some New Year’s resolutions. That is something that many do, and then set out to follow … Read More

    The post Resolving to Change Old Habits appeared first on Church of Christ Articles.

  • Reach Out and Touch Someone

                It may well be that the besetting sin of modern day discipleship is its failure to procreate itself. Speed has been so aggrandized in our society that it has become necessary that whatever we do we must do in a hurry.  We seem to be possessed with a determination to succeed more than to be spiritually inclined and equip ourselves for eternity, so we tend to put off thing that don’t pertain to our quests.  One of those things is reaching out and touching someone. 

  • What Is The Authority In Christianity?

    What Is the Authority in Christianity?

    By: Garland M. Robinson


    For any government, religion, or even family situation to exist, there must be an established authority or code of law. There must be a rule to which men can appeal to solve and answer disputes. This is recognized in all societies, whether religious or secular. Yet look at the confusion and division that exists among religious groups that propose to follow Christ. Has God left us without such a law?…

  • Homosexual Relationships (A Response) – Part 1

    A few weeks back, I preached a sermon, titled, “Did Jesus Teach Anything Concerning Homosexuality?” The answer is, “Yes,” and we will examine that point later. A response appeared on Youtube, which I was only made aware of recently (since I’m unfamiliar with those matters). He (presumably a male) did not give a name, which […]

    The post Homosexual Relationships (A Response) – Part 1 appeared first on South Seminole Church Of Christ.

  • Teenagers: Deciding Early

                Memory is reserved for the human family.  While it is true that animals--even plants--have a sort of memory, it is not of the moral sort.  Human memory is the foundation for all learning.  Learning is basically piling new information on top of memory.  We become quickly disquieted when we can’t remember something or especially when a loved one has lost the faculty for recalling things.  Memory loss is the sign of serious problems.

                Moral decisions are the product of a good moral memory (II Pet.…

  • Doctrines of Demons?

    “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doc­trines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiv­ing by those who believe and know the truth” (1 Timothy 4:1-3; emphasis added, JRG).

    Since “forbidding to marry” is listed among the doctrines of demons, should Christians support the rights of homosexuals to marry? Are we under the influence of deceiving spirits when we oppose such unions?

  • Responsibilities of Church Membership
    The church is the body of saved people (Eph. 5:23). The moment a person is saved they are added by the Lord to His church (Acts 2:47). The act that saves one automatically makes them a part of the body of saved people. However, as individual Christians, we must join ourselves to a faithful local church (Acts 9:26).

    A local church is a functioning unit of Christians who have joined themselves together and have made a commitment to carry out the work God has given to the local church (evangelism, edification, limited benevolence). This work will get done, to…

  • Should We Be More Tolerant?

    We preachers have just been much too hard on thieves and thievery. We have spent way too much pulpit time condemning theft when we could have been preaching on understanding, love and tolerance for thieves. We have instead insisted upon telling people that stealing is a sin and that they shouldn't behave that way.

    Now, I know what the Bible says about stealing. One of the ten commandments given to the nation of Israel was “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15). Of course, the Law of Moses was fulfilled by Jesus and we don't live under that law any more.…

  • A Royal Mess in Israel's Royal Family (Part 2 of 3)

    2 Samuel 13 tells how Amnon, the son of King David, became consumed with desire for his half-sister Tamar. In order to get her alone, he pretended to be sick and requested of David that the princess come to his house to prepare food. Suspecting nothing improper, Tamar did as she was asked. She even brought the food to Amnon’s bedside at his request. But then her brother revealed his true intentions: he grabbed her and said, “Come to bed with me, my sister.”

    Last week we contrasted Amnon’s lust with genuine…

  • What to Do If You Disagree
    From time to time, as we listen to sermons or attend Bible classes, something will be said with which we disagree. What should we do when this happens?

    First, be sure that you properly understood what was said. It might be that you simply did not hear what the other person was saying. Changing a single word can sometimes drastically alter the meaning of a sentence. Also, expressions taken out of context can lead to conclusions that were never intended. Take notes, re-listen to the recorded sermon (if available), study the Scriptures that were referenced in the lesson -…

  • Improving Discipleship
    What can I do to improve my discipleship? I trust that these are matters all can benefit from, but I need to personalize this. I'm not simply asking, "What can I tell others to do?" but "What can I do?" Getting lost in the maze of responsibilities and thinking about what others need to do is easy. Far more difficult is the hard work of being honest with self, knowing what needs to change, and having the will to do it.

    There are obvious actions and attitudes that are always on the table: more prayer, more study, more love,…

  • Giving to God


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