• 'We Have Fellowship with One Another'

    “If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another…” (1 John 1:7).

    We sometimes say that being a Christian has not only the “vertical” dimension of fellowship with God, but also the “horizontal” dimension of fellowship with God’s people. Both of those dimensions are highlighted in Ephesians 2. Once spiritually dead in their sins, the Ephesians had now been made alive in Christ, reconciled to God (verses 1-7). That’s the vertical dimension. But that wasn’t all. These Gentiles, once “far off”…

  • Bulletin January 12, 2025

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  • Christians and Social Media

    (By Joe R. Price)


    The gospel teaches us to always be truthful (Eph. 4:25; Col. 3:9). That includes our language and conduct on social media platforms like Facebook, X, and Instagram. It is important to maintain and advance the virtues of godliness and righteousness if you are active on these plaforms. Always be a child of God “without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world” (Phil. 2:15).


  • Bulletin January 5, 2025

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  • Handling Temptation

    Handling Temptation

    No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God
    is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,
    but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape,
    that you may be able to endure it. (1 Corinthians 10:13)
    Every day we spend on this earth we are faced with situations that require us to
    make choices. Somewhere in that process temptation comes in and influences our
    decisions. It could be a simple as eating something healthy versus something not
    so healthy or cutting corners at work. Maybe looking at…

  • Redeeming Every Moment

    Redeeming Each Moment

    They say people heard a crack, a popping sound days before but no one will ever
    know with certainty. History documents that on November 18, 1999 at 2:42 AM
    the tiered logs of Aggie Bonfire came tumbling down in a jumbled pile that
    collapsed upon the 58 students and former students gathered together,
    assembling this traditional construction. A pile of timber that had stood over 50
    feet rushed downward in a moment. But why? Past successes had boasted of 109
    feet being a proven prospect. All was for naught, the final effort would be one
    noted for tragically…

  • Bulletin December 29, 2024

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  • Hitting the Wall

    Hitting the Wall

    I once heard a trainer say that the human body is not designed to run for 26 miles
    continuously. But Marathon runners do just that! However, at about 20 miles
    something serious happens – there is a sudden and severe loss of energy,
    primarily due to the depletion of glycogen in the muscles. Runners call this
    “hitting the wall.” Your body tells you that you cannot go on. It then becomes
    very hard to stay motivated enough to continue to the finish line.
    Something similar to that can happen to us spiritually. In fact the Bible records

  • Trump


    Domino and card games have been enjoyed for centuries, and among the most
    strategic and engaging are trump games. Trump games are popular because they
    give players the chance to control the game in their favor. A designated "trump"
    suit has the power to overrule others, ensuring that whoever plays it gains a
    decisive advantage. Usually, the highest card or domino in the suit wins the trick,
    but the trump plays by its own rules. It interrupts normal play to change the
    game to win the trick. The idea of having a trump can be exhilarating! Taking
    control of the…

  • Should I Celebrate Christmas?

    David A. Padfield


    Christmas is just around the corner and already we can see signs telling us to "Put Christ back into Christmas." People everywhere are saying Christmas is too commercialized and that we are overlooking the real meaning of Christmas. Some preachers are asking, "What are you going to give Christ on his birthday?" Most churches are organizing Christmas plays, cantatas and programs.

    Since Christmas is recognized by most people as a religious Holy Day, it would be…

  • Bulletin December 22, 2024

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  • Bulletin December 15, 2024

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  • Who Put CHRIST in Christmas?

    (Larry Ray Hafley)


    During December we are reminded to, “Keep Christ In Christmas.” Who, though, put him there in the first place?

    Did God? We know “the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world” (1 Jn. 4:14). Jesus said that he neither acted or spoke of his own will, but that he said and did only those things authorized by his Father (Jn. 6:38; 12:49). Is the celebration of Jesus’ birth a thing…

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