• Sin, Repentance, and Judging Others
    Some discussions just seem odd to me. One such oddity goes along these lines (and it seems to happen over and over, especially on social media, so this is not a reference to one particular discussion): Person A: "People who engage in this activity are in sin and need to repent." (What the specific sin is differs from case to case, and it is irrelevant for this point.)

    Person B responds: "We shouldn't judge others because we are all sinners who need forgiveness."

    By this response, person B sweeps away the point made by person A because we…

  • Baptism Comes Before Salvation
    There are five passages in the New Testament which mention both baptism and salvation in the same verse (Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:4; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21). In all these passages, water baptism precedes the remission of sins. Do you know of a passage where the order is reversed?

    Mark 16:16 contains two conditions for salvation: faith and baptism. It also contains the conditions for damnation: a lack of faith. If you want to know what you must do to be lost, it will tell you — all that is necessary is a lack of faith. If…

  • I'll See You in Bible Class...
    • Because I want more than anything to know the Lord.
      "With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments! (Ps. 119:10)
    • Because I need the spiritual resources to do right.
      "I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (Ps. 119:11
    • Because I must find my way through this passing world.
      "I am a sojourner on the earth; hide not your commandments from me! … Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." (Ps. 119:19,105)
  • Self Forsaken
    "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord"
    Romans 8:38-39

    The depth and beauty of God's love described in these verses is truly awe-inspiring. His eternal plan is built on a framework of this incredible love. Each living stone is bonded together by that love and held fast and sure by Jesus's holy sacrifice. We have such…

  • How to Answer When You Don't Know the Answer
    No one likes to be 'put on the spot.' We dread the possibility of being asked questions that we can't answer. This is especially true when the questions are about religion.

    Without a doubt, one of the biggest hindrances to spreading the gospel is this fear of being asked questions. Many Christians feel uneasy about their level of Bible knowledge. Thus, to avoid potentially embarrassing situations, they do their best to sidestep any discussion that might turn to religious themes. This is sad, because it keeps us from many 'open doors' for personal evangelism.

    Since no one has…

  • Distraction
    The song leader read the passage that encouraged us to praise the Lord in song and then instructed us to, "pay attention to the words."

    Yet… The man sitting two rows in front was staring into space, then looking around the room — never a note sung.

    "Pray without ceasing," Paul instructs in I Thessalonians 5:17 and the gentleman at the front says, "Please bow with me while we pray."

    Yet… To the right was a woman making faces at a child, seeking a laugh or smile and to the left another was using her thumbs to…

  • Ain't Anything Meaner Than Killin' Babies
    In Marc Connelly's wonderful 1930 play, The Green Pastures — wherein heaven is viewed through the eyes of African-Americans in the Deep South — there's a telling scene involving Pharaoh and a court official identified as the head magician.

    Pharaoh's order to drown the male Hebrew children has been carried out, but his hatred for the Hebrews hasn't abated, and he's still trying to come up with something to make the Israelites' existence more miserable than it already is. But in response, the head magician says, "there ain' anything meaner than killin' babies, King."

    One of the most…

  • Historical Accuracy Of The Bible
    The Bible is a divinely inspired record of the creation of all things, including man, and of God's dealings with the human race. The Bible is not a history book, just as it is not a book written for people with a scientific turn of mind, or for people with interests in other fields of learning. But it is a fact that whenever God's Word touches incidentally on any of these areas, it is always accurate. Someone has made the observation that the Bible is not only amazing in the accuracy with which it deals with whatever subject it may…
  • The Gospel Writers
    There were eight known New Testament writers: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Paul, James, and Jude (the writer of Hebrews is unknown). Let us look carefully at these men.

    Peter, John, and Matthew were in the original apostolic company; they were with Jesus during his ministry for three and one-half years. They were by his side virtually day by day, hence they wrote as eyewitnesses of the things they saw and heard.

    James (not the brother of John; cf. Acts 12:2) was a leader in the Jerusalem church (Acts 15:13; cf. Galatians 2:9), and a half-brother of Jesus…

  • Whose Orders?
    Years ago, I read notice of a horrible train wreck in which many people died painfully amid the twisted burning wreckage. The engineer was killed as well. But as he lay near death he showed those nearby a paper, saying, "Take this. It will show I was given the wrong orders." And, they were the wrong orders. He had been on the wrong track, yet he was still dying, along with many others.

    Friend, you have an eternal soul. What orders are you following: God's, or man's idea of religion? Make sure, because sincerity is not enough!

  • The Truth About Christ’s Church

    The Truth About Christ’s Church There may be some things in the Bible which are difficult to understand, but there are others which are so simply stated but often are easily overlooked. Two of these truths are that Jesus established … Read More

    The post The Truth About Christ’s Church appeared first on Church of Christ Articles.

  • Bible Translations

    Bible Translations Should a Christian use only certain translations of the Bible?  If so, which ones? The Bible contains no specific command concerning which Bible translation to use.  In order to avoid adding to God’s Word, we must not legislate … Read More

    The post Bible Translations appeared first on Church of Christ Articles.

  • The Hypocrisy of Double Standards

    The Hypocrisy of Double Standards You can see this phenomena play during any given election season pretty clearly. Side A looks at the misdeeds of the candidate of Side B and says, “those are horrible, disqualifying moral failings.”In response, partisans … Read More

    The post The Hypocrisy of Double Standards appeared first on Church of Christ Articles.

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