• In the Thickets

    Sometimes we have the tendency to complain about little things in life. It is those little things which ought to prepare us for the more difficult things. Paul saw persecutions as hurdles one may jump. You won't jump those high hurdles if you can't jump the low ones. Use those low hurdles in life to be more successful as a Christian in the future. Jeremiah 12:5, "If you have raced with foot-runners and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land you fall down, how will you fare in the thickets of…

  • Honesty, The Only Policy

    For years it has been stated that "honesty is the best policy." Nonetheless, there have been and continue to be those who act otherwise - Those who want to lie, cheat, over exaggerate, and deal dishonestly with others.

    No matter how far from right this world may go, God's word must be respected. From it, we learn that honesty is commanded. Paul told the church at Rome to "…provide things honest in the sight of all men" (Rom. 12:17). For the Corinthians he prayed that they might "do that which is honest…" (2 Cor. 13:7). Is any less expected of God's…

  • When the Fire Flickers
    Conversations with students and young preachers frequently reveal discouragement with what they find in many churches. "These people couldn't care less-they are not on fire for the Lord's work."

    My first thought is "How long have you cared - when did you catch fire?" The newly enthused likely fall into three groups: (1) new converts (perhaps starry-eyed, but we need their freshness as much as they need our experience); (2) new preachers, elders, deacons, teachers, etc., where new responsibility has awakened eyes to see brethren in a different light; and, (3) brethren shaken out of complacency by the influence…

  • At the Back of the North Wind
    We're at that time, as Dickens described it, "when the old year is preparing . . . to call his friends around him, and amidst the sound of feasting and revelry to pass gently and calmly away."

    Invariably, at the end of every year, we pause to remember loved ones who are no longer with us, and maybe we remember that we will soon join them—which can be a disquieting thought, unless it's quieted by hope.

    In George MacDonald's book, At the Back of the North Wind, Diamond is a poor, young boy who sleeps in a hayloft.…

  • Evil Company
    The story is told of two parrots who lived near each other. The one was accustomed to singing hymns while the other was addicted to swearing. The owner of the latter obtained permission for it to associate with the former in the hope that its bad habit would be corrected. Instead, the opposite happened as both learned to swear!

    The little story reminds us of a passage in 1 Corinthians 15:33 which says, "Do not be deceived: 'Evil company corrupts good habits.'" (NKJV). A person may feel like he can associate with wicked people and not be hurt. He…

  • "Everyone Else Is Doing It"
    Sometimes people attempt to justify their sinful conduct on the basis of "well everyone else is doing it." If "everyone else" is dressing immodestly, what are we going to do? If "everyone else" is going to a "must see" R-rated movie, what are we going to do? If "everyone else" is lying, stealing, or cheating what are we going to do?

    In the days of King Nebuchadnezzar, "everyone else" was bowing down and worshiping his golden image (see Dan. 3:1-7). But what did Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego do? They said "let it be known to you, O king, that…

  • Permissive Parents
    Children can influence their parents just as parents can influence their children. The following story about an imaginary couple may have been duplicated in the lives of many of our readers.

    George and Mary were a wonderful couple as they began their life together. Throughout their youth they had received strong teaching concerning worldliness, and their conduct showed the effects of that teaching.

    They had been taught faithfulness in attendance, and they never missed a service for "anything." In character and conviction, they were blameless.

    This young couple failed, however, to instill into the hearts of their…

  • Women Preachers
    Is it in harmony with the Scriptures for a woman to be a preacher or an elder in the church of our Lord?

    It might not be politically correct, but the answer is "No." In fact, the Bible specifically condemns the practice of women serving in this capacity.

    In Paul's first letter to Timothy, we read, "Therefore I desire that the men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting: in like manner also, that the women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation, not with braided hair or gold…

  • What about ‘Narrow’ Preachers?
    I don't know about you, but I get a little weary of hearing the word "narrow" used as a slur against preachers who adhere to the Bible in their preaching. Sure, they are "narrow", but so are factory workers, surgeons, druggists and teachers.

    The factory worker is so "narrow" that he uses micrometers and measures to the thousandth of an inch the bores and pistons of engines, electronic components and balancing wheels in timepieces.

    The surgeon is so "narrow" that he insists on ultra-technical laboratory analysis, meticulously sterilized instruments of special design. Why, he is so picky narrow…

  • Someone Is Always Watching
    It is not uncommon for children to look up to those who are older or wiser than they are. For this reason, little brothers and sisters will never cease to imitate their older siblings. These scenarios, however, are not exclusive to older and younger siblings or even younger or older people. The truth of the matter is that just as you and I look up to certain individuals, there are some looking to us for guidance and example.

    If young people and new Christians do not have strong examples to follow as they test their wings, the chances of…

  • What One Tolerates, The Next Accepts
    John Wesley once wrote, "What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace." Both sacred and secular history have proven the truth of this assessment time and time again.

    Everything from dancing to drinking, from abortion to mercy-killing, has gone from toleration to acceptance. In the home and in the church, everything from immodesty to immorality has been first allowed and then endorsed. Adulterous marriages, gambling, and other similar sins, have gone from being permitted to being sponsored. Remember when wearing shorts and attending dances were generally condemned as sinful? Now, in some places shorts are being worn to…

  • Your Speech Betrayeth You
    When the Savior stood before Caiaphas, the High Priest, Peter waited outside the palace. When a young woman approached him and said, "Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee," he denied it. Another came with he same observation and he denied it with an oath. Then others that stood by said to Peter, "Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech betrayeth thee," and he began to curse and swear, saying he did not know Jesus (Mat 26:69ff).

    Peter's identity was confirmed by the way he spoke. Because of the way he pronounced his words — by…

  • Faithful Until Death
    This statement had a very diferent meaning at the time it was spoken than today. At the time of John's writing Christianity was illegal and Emperor worship was compulsory under the threat of death. "I know your tribulation and your poverty (but you are rich), and the blasphemy by those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan," Revelation 2:9 (NAS95). Jesus knew the extreme difficult culture where they lived. Christians were forced to suffer severe persecution and tribulation that effected every facet of their lives. Because Christianity was illegal, they were often thrown…
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