Thank You for the Flowers

"Please God — grant me calm and peace.
I know you are listening.
I know you love me and care for me.
Help me have a positive attitude and
Serve as an example for others."

While dealing with a health issue and receiving a disappointing, yet non-life-threating report, I prayed this prayer. The morning after returning home from the hospital I retreated to my safe place, the back porch. Directly in my line of sight, standing tall and perfect, were Pink Ladies. Full-bloom and a soft pink, the only color among all the greenery of trees, bushes, and ivy.

God had sent me flowers! Perhaps. No, there was no card wishing me well or doorbell ring to announce their arrival. They grew from God's soil, watered by His rain, nourished by His light.

My Father loves me (John 3:16). He strengthens me (Psalms 46:1-3). He watches over me (Psalms 121:5–8). And yes, He grants peace and calm while answering prayers, whether that answer be No — Slow — Grow — or Go. (I John 5:14-15).

Father, thank you for the flowers, they are stunning.

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