Specialty Bibles

By Whit Sasser Have you browsed through a religious bookstore or catalog recently? It's hard to find a plain ole' Bible anymore. Here's a sampling of what the market offers today:

The Living Insights Study Bible; The NIV Study Bible; The International Inductive Study Bible; The Spirit-Filled Life Study Bible; The Praise & Worship Study Bible; The Prophesy Study Bible; The African Heritage Study Bible; The Men's Study Bible; The Women's Devotional Bible; The Teen Study Bible; The Serendipity Bible; The One-Minute Bible; The Parenting Bible; The Personal Growth Bible.

Based on current trends, I can't wait to see what's next! The Engineer's Bible - with built in conversion charts for calculating the dimensions of Noah's Ark; or the Scratch and Sniff Bible — with embedded aroma tabs in the column, so you can scratch and sniff what incense or other such things smell like?

Seriously, what is to be said about all of these many "kinds" of "special" Bibles? It may be that some of these specialty Bibles have some good use (I have occasionally used a "study" Bible myself through the years) but some, however, advance human agendas and false doctrines. The proliferation of "specialty" Bibles makes it necessary to carefully distinguish between God's Word and the comments of men.

It may seem elementary and obvious to us, but many of those new to the Bible may not know that there is a difference between the Words of God and the comments and notes supplied by uninspired men.

It is absolutely necessary to have a Bible, and some of the so-called "helps" included with many are good, but just let the buyer beware.

View Full Post Source: MightyIsTheLord.com Articles


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