Success as a Christian

In a recent video several interesting factors came to light.  The author made several points that have direct implications to being successful as a Christian.  He noted the top ten things that successful people do.

1. Successful people believe in the law of income.  Here, he stated that successful people focus on providing value instead of simply effort...  As Christians, we must definitely put forth an extraordinary effort.  However, we must even more focus on providing value in our and others' lives.

2. The successful are voracious readers.  Winston Churchill once said, "If you cannot read all your books…fondle thempeer into them, let them fall open where they will, read from the first sentence that arrests the eye, set them back on the shelves with your own hands, arrange them on your own plan so that you at least know where they are. Let them be your friends; let them, at any rate, be your acquaintances."  Some of the most successful people in the world today refer their success back to reading:  Warren Buffett on the key to his success, "Read 500 pages... every day.  That's how knowledge works.  It builds up, like compound interest."  Mark Cuban dedicates 3 hours per day to reading. 

Bill Gates reads 50 books per year.  Elon Musk learned to build rockets by reading books... How much time do you dedicate to reading God's word?  It is the only book authored by the Creator and that will lead you to an eternity of joy and goodness.  The Bible is the only book that can tell you about the Almighty.  To be successful as a Christian, you must devote ample time to reading God's Word.

3. The successful focus on opportunities not obstacles.  He emphasizes that the perspective successful people hold toward a situation is that of opportunity and possibility, instead of focusing on obstacle and challenge... God plainly states that if He is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31).  Everything we face in this life should be considered an opportunity to showcase to the Lord our love and devotion to Him and to others, how marvelous is the God whom we serve.

4. The successful associate with other positive successful people.  He here notes that we become like the five people with whom we spend the most time.  If you associate mostly with successful people, then you will become successful.  If you surround yourself with those who are fitness buffs, then you are likely to become a fitness buff... For Christians, that equates to us surrounding ourselves with other Christians.  1 Corinthians 15:33 warns of associating with non-Christians.

5. The successful are willing to promote their value.  Be able to identify your value and share it with others...  Christians are the most valued ones in existence.  God sent His Son to die for us; to provide eternal salvation to us. 

6. The successful grow bigger than their problems.  Successful people think "Yay!  A new challenge awaits!"...  For Christians, we must never see obstacles and sin as 'un-get-over-able'.  God provides the ability to overcome sin and temptation and any obstacle (1 Corinthians 10:13).

7. The successful think both, not "either/or".  Instead of thinking that he can only have one out of two good things, the successful  person figures out a way  to get both... Christians must also work to do as much good as possible, and be willing to accept more and more good.  We should not limit our ability or God's in our efforts to do good.

8. The successful focus on net worth, not working income.  He stresses that successful people look more on what their value is, rather than how much they make on a monthly basis...  Do not get caught up in focusing on the "good deeds" that you are doing and should do.  These are good and right.  But don't let them cloud the value, that God has given you in sacrificing His Son to redeem you.  Consider your value and how you should love God and others, and how you should passionately seek the lost and work to save them.

9. The successful are dollar smart, not just penny smart.  Here he suggests that though knowing how to be smart with your pennies is good, that knowing how to be smart with your dollars is more important... For Christians to be successful, we must not get so focused on the checklist of things we must do, but should remember the bigger picture of kindness, love, grace, and mercy.

10. The successful network and volunteer regularly.  Here he emphasizes the need for successful people to link up with others to expand their opportunities for success, and for the need to volunteer your time and effort on a regular basis...  Oh, how true is that! Christians must collaborate with other Christians in order to maximize our efforts to glorify God and share the gospel with the world.  AND, God states plainly that we were created for the purpose of doing good works (Ephesians 2:9-10).  We should therefore long for and make the most of every opportunity to do good (Galatians 6:10).

Let us all seek to be successful as Christians and be willing to learn from anyone who is successful, if it helps us bring honor to our Father and brings souls to Him.

- Cody Damron

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