• A Genuine Faith

    In our Sunday morning class we have been discussing what it takes to go from faith to conviction. In 2 Timothy 3:14-15, Paul reminds Timothy of some very important steps he took for his own transition from faith to conviction, which serve as a great example for us today. Not only had Timothy learned the Scriptures, Paul mentions that he had been “assured of” these things (2 Tim. 3:14). At some point, Timothy realized that he had to be convinced of these truths on his own, and not simply believe based on what he had learned from his mother and…

  • Zechariah 1-6

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  • Rise of the Pharisees

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  • Compassion of Christ | Lessons 1 - 6

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  • True Thankfulness

    As we conclude the Christmas season and resume our normal life activity we probably reflect upon how blessed we are. We consider the gifts we recieved, the money spent on us, and the time off work we had and we are thankful. Perhaps you reflected on how being able to spend time with family was a blessing.

    When we bring up the idea of being thankful we generally mean we are thankful for being blessed physically. I would venture a guess that most of us are thankful for our physical blessings. And God has truly blessed us! This year was…

  • Apostle Peter

    A. Peter BEFORE Jesus’ death and resurrection

  • Taking Time for the Gospel

    In Washington , DC , at a Metro Station, on a cold January morning in 2007, a man with a violin played six Bach pieces for about an hour. During that time, approximately 2,000 people went through the station, most of them on their way to work. 

    At about 3 minutes

    A middle-aged man noticed there was a musician playing. He slowed his pace and stopped for a few seconds, then hurried on to meet his schedule.

    At 4 minutes

    The violinist received his first dollar. A woman threw money in the hat and, without stopping, continued to walk.


  • Is God your close friend?

    I recently headed to the Perry library to study and after a while had to get up and walk around in order to stretch my legs. I stumbled upon a movie which I had heard was very good entitled “Beyond the Mask.” The movie received the Dove Seal of Approval, which means it does not have any inappropriate content. The background of the movie was placed in the colonies right before America declared their independence and centered around a fictional account about how God can change the heart and life of a person.

    There are three main characters…

  • Who are you reading the Bible for?

    I cannot count the number of times I have been in a Bible class and heard people make the comment that the passage the group is covering shows how others in the religious world are wrong. Others perhaps say, “This is a good passage for (fill in the blank) to show them they are wrong and should change!”

    In the New Testament we are called to stand for truth and oppose those who change or misrepresent the truth of God. However, I fear that sometimes our rebukes of other religious groups is a way to make us feel better about…

  • Open Letter from Death Row

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    May I have a moment of your time.  I am writing to you from prison. Yes, prison. In a way, I hope to reach out in the way that Paul did while he was in prison — by letters. But I have a much different reason for my letter; yet, it is for the same purpose as Paul’s — to help you live according to the gospel of Christ.

    First, stop and think what it is that may cause one of us to end up in prison.  It is the same thing that can cause you…

  • September 11: A Call to Remember

    On September 11, 2001 two planes crashed into the world trade centers, one plane hit the pentagon, and another plane wrecked in a Pennsylvania field. The twin towers were completely toppled, the Pentagon was greatly damaged, and the plane which went down in the field was apparently taken over by passengers who prevented the terrorist from hitting another target. 2,996 people lost their lives that day in that senseless and horrible attack (2,606 in the world trade center, 265 on the planes, and 125 at the Pentagon; this includes 414 first responders) and 6,000 were injured. It is hard to…

  • Greatest Fear

    Everyone is afraid of something. Fears range from the common, such as fear of flying or heights, to the less common alektorophobia (fear of chickens) and globophobia (fear of balloons).

    I know that many peoples’ main phobias are public speaking and death. According to most surveys taken, people fear public speaking more than death! This led one comedian to say, “This means that if you go to a funeral you would rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy!” I definitely understand people’s fear of public speaking and it is not fun to get in front of an audience and speak to them…

  • What is your new year’s Spiritual Resolution?

    So, what is your new year’s resolution?  People make resolutions because they want to bring change to their circumstances and improve their quality of life.  The most common are losing weight, exercising more, get out of debt, save for the future and spend more time with family.  The most common resolutions used for the new year are physical in nature. However, the same terms can apply to our spiritual life. So, let’s consider the following resolutions for 2017.

    1. I am going to Exercise the spirit. If we want our spiritual body to be in great shape, we must work…

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