• "Feel Good" Preaching

    Larry Ray Hafley)


    Our heavenly Father is "the God of all comfort" (2 Cor. 1:3).  At times, God instructed his prophets to "speak comfortably" to his people (Isa. 40:1, 2).  Indeed, we must take the word of God and "comfort one another" (1 Thess. 4:18).  When one is fainthearted, he needs words of encouragement (1 Thess. 5:14).  When one is bowed down with sorrow and shame for sin, we must comfort him with love and forgiveness (2 Cor. 2:7, 8).  

  • Why Does He Keep Saying "Yes"?

    Why Does He Keep Saying “Yes” ?

    Genesis 1, 3, 9
    Go and be fruitful and multiply and have dominion over all the earth. The
    encouragement and blessing, wrapping a blanket of abundance around His
    beloved images, gifted as a promise, two times. First to the man and woman in
    the garden and then to the only eight left, after the desperately needed water
    cleansing of God’s creation. As Adam and Eve consume the fruit that promises to
    give them something they already had in incomparable abundance, as Ham
    disgraces his father so profoundly that the details are left mostly unsaid,…

  • Bulletin February 9, 2025

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  • A Working Faith

    A Working Faith - Rahab

    In Joshua 2, the children of Israel begin their military push across the Jordan
    River to take over and occupy the promised land of Canaan. Joshua sent out two
    spies to view the land and city of Jericho. Once entering the city, the spies lodged
    at the house of a woman who came both an ally for the army of Israel and an
    example of faith for Christians.
    The story of Rahab in a fascinating one and I find it interesting how God will use
    people from all walks of life in a multitude of different…

  • Bulletin February 2, 2025

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  • LOVE FOR ALL - A Hymn To Prepare For The Lord's Supper

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  • No. 2 - Is the Bible Really the Word of God?

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  • Recovering from Disaster

    Recovering From Disaster

    Thomas Carlyle was a 19 th century Scottish philosopher, historian and teacher.
    The following quote is attributed to him:
    “Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles,
    discouragements, and impossibilities: it is this that in all things
    distinguishes the strong soul from the weak.”
    Those words have special meaning when one considers one of the most
    memorable events in his life.
    Carlyle is famous for his history of the French Revolution. He worked on it with
    passion and diligence late into the nights throughout 1834. When he had
    completed Volume One, he sent it to his friend,…

  • Bulletin January 26, 2025

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  • I Guess This is My Life Now

    I Guess This is My Life Now

    When I am feeling uncomfortable, I find it difficult to remember how it felt to be
    comfortable. Perhaps some examples from my own life will sound familiar to you.
    By day three of a head cold, I can no longer remember what it feels like to breathe
    through my nose. At this point, I am tempted to think, “I’m sure it was nice
    breathing through my nose, but I guess this is my life now.” When I am eating
    tortilla chips or popcorn, something gets stuck among my teeth and gums and no

  • Bulletin January 19, 2025

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  • The Rich Man and the Poor Man

    In Luke 16:22-24, Jesus provides a glimpse into the world of the dead. The passage is a part of the story of the rich man and Lazarus that Jesus told in the same chapter.

     A very rich man lived in luxury and dressed in fine clothing while a man named Lazarus lived in poverty. Lazarus sat at the rich man’s gate covered in sores and begging for the crumbs that fell from his table. The unnamed rich man refused to share from his wealth with the…

  • 'We Have Fellowship with One Another'

    “If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another…” (1 John 1:7).

    We sometimes say that being a Christian has not only the “vertical” dimension of fellowship with God, but also the “horizontal” dimension of fellowship with God’s people. Both of those dimensions are highlighted in Ephesians 2. Once spiritually dead in their sins, the Ephesians had now been made alive in Christ, reconciled to God (verses 1-7). That’s the vertical dimension. But that wasn’t all. These Gentiles, once “far off”…

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