That's What Makes It Worship!

Often, we speak of "five items" (rituals, ceremonies) of worship. And while the rituals ARE important ("in truth," v. 24), they are not really worship without the key component: "in spirit" — THAT is what turns the ritual into a real act of worship! "In spirit" involves genuine desire (Ps. 122:1), awareness of God's presence (Mt. 26:29), reverence (Heb. 12:28), and sincere obedience (Jn. 14:6,15). Let's APPLY this…





  1. Consider the ritual of "singing"

    The mere act of singing (vocalizing words to a tune) is NOT worship in and of itself! However, singing can BECOME worship when properly done (cf. 1 Cor.14:15, "in spirit"). In other words, when we sing "with grace (i.e. favor) in your hearts to(ward) God" (cf. Col. 3:16). Or, when we're "making melody in your heart to the Lord" (Eph. 5:19, plucking the heart!). When we sing in this way, THAT'S what makes it worship!

  2. Consider the ritual of "praying"

    The mere act of verbalizing our desires to God is NOT worship in and of itself! However, prayer can BECOME worship when it is properly done (cf. 1 Cor. 14:15). Praying "with the spirit" means ask in faith — patience may mean trials! (Jn. 1:2-8). And, it means praying "with thanksgiving" — knowing who blesses us! (Ph. 4:6-7). When we pray in this way, THAT'S what makes it worship!

  3. Consider the ritual of "giving"

    The mere act of dropping money in a collection plate is NOT worship in and of itself! However, giving can BECOME worship when properly done (cf. 2 Cor. 8:12, willing mind). In other words, "as purposed" — i.e. understanding "what" you're supporting, and "why!" (cf. 9:7). Also, "not grudgingly" — which means to give from a "free will" (vs. a coerced tax). When we give in this way, THAT'S what makes it worship!

  4. Consider the ritual of "teaching"

    The mere act of teaching or listening to a sermon is NOT worship in and of itself! However it can BECOME worship when properly done (cf. Ac. 13:48 — heard, glad, glorified). How? By "searching the Scriptures" to see if their teaching is "so" (cf. Ac.17:10-12). Also, by examining yourself in light of the teaching, letting it "pierce" you (cf. Heb. 4:12). When we teach/learn in this way, THAT'S what makes it worship!

  5. Consider the ritual of "communion"

    The mere act of eating crackers and drinking grape juice is NOT worship in and of itself! However, it can BECOME worship when properly done (1 Cor. 11:23-29, remember, examine, discern). It's not about whether YOU are worthy (personal sin, etc.) — you are NOT worthy of His sacrifice! It's about whether you PARTAKE "worthily" (cp. "in a worthy manner"); it's HOW you partake! When we commune in this way, THAT'S what makes it worship!

Clearly, worship is much more than engaging in meaningless rituals. The rituals become our way of expressing our love and devotion to God! Consider an illustration: Kissing your spouse is one thing; kissing them with true passion is another! The same principle applies to worship. Let's TRULY worship Him!

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