"Extreme Makeover Coming Soon"

By Jonathan Banning

At least a few times a week the three preachers go out for coffee. Right in the middle of that morning slump we unslump from our office chairs, load ourselves into a car and head for the coffee house. It has become a welcome part of my morning routine. I look forward for Brother Dee to shout from his office “anybody got time for coffee?” My answer is always, “always.” The coffee shop has become familiar to us and we have become familiar to the coffee shop. We station ourselves in three brightly colored faux leather armchairs; one pink, one orange, one brown. (I'll let you guess whose chair is whose). Most mornings, my chair faces out the window and straight at the apartments across the street.

I've been here for 63 weeks at the time of this typing. And for 63 weeks I've looked from my chair out the window and at those apartments. And for 63 weeks I've looked at the same exact sign, “Extreme Makeover Coming Soon!” A renovation has been “coming soon” for quite some time. At this point, I think its time to chop off the “soon” and replace it with more fitting words.

-“Extreme Makeover Coming Sometime.”

-“Extreme Makeover Coming, But We're Not Sure When.”

-“Extreme Makeover Coming, At Least We Hope It's Coming.”

You know that I don't know the first thing about rental properties or renovations. I only know what bits and pieces I've picked up from very brief experiences with the HGTV show “Property Brothers.” I honestly couldn't tell you if 63 weeks counts as “soon” in terms of renovation. They could be right on schedule, but the sign got me thinking. Has my extreme spiritual make over been “coming soon” for quite some time?

The Word continually pushes us toward spiritual renovation. To renovate is to make new again. “Renovation” should bring to mind images of refreshment and change. God through His book constantly strives to show us the transformations we must make in order to conform to the example of Jesus (Ephesians 4:20-24). I know it is tempting to glaze over that passage and continue reading the bulletin article. Please stop for a moment and consider that passage... God calls for renovation! He calls Christians to be aware of the gap between who we are and who we ought to be and to refresh, change and transform ourselves to close that gap.

Has my extreme spiritual make over been “coming soon” for quite some time? Am I putting off spiritual change and transformation? That doesn't mean I'm a terrible person. It simply means that I know how to become more like Jesus, yet I hesitate to proceed.

Maybe I hesitate by telling myself, “I'm good enough as is.” Maybe that halted the progress of the apartments. They could have decided their units were good and required no improvement. Do you feel like you are good enough and require no improvement? You could be better, you could grow stronger but you feel that you'll be okay right where you are. Remember what Paul tells us in Philippians 3:13, “I press...” Don't hesitate. You need a renovation.

Maybe I hesitate by telling myself, “The cost is too high.” I can imagine this as a possible explanation for a 63 week old “coming soon” sign. Perhaps management ran the numbers yet again and realized that an extreme make over would put too much of a squeeze on their finances and have put it off till later. Do you hesitate because you are worried about the cost of spiritual renovation? Jesus does warn His followers to count the cost of being His disciple (Luke 14:28). Everybody has the funds to be a disciple. Everybody can follow Jesus. Everybody can please Jesus. Although, only some are willing to spend what must be spent to be a disciple (Luke 14:26-27). Don't hesitate due to cost. You need that renovation no matter what it costs!

Maybe I hesitate by telling myself, “Tomorrow will come.” Home renovations are tough, and even a bit scary. Usually demolition is the first step (a little unsettling). Often difficulties arise that we did not plan on. Maybe the complex has put off the project because they know the task is tough and would rather do tomorrow what could be done today. They convince themselves they always have tomorrow to do what must be done. Spiritual renovations can be tough and scary too. Fear of making tough choices and doing hard things may lead us to procrastination. Remember that tomorrow only comes if the Lord wills (James 4:13-15). It is not guaranteed. If you need a renovation, renovate today; it may be your last chance. Let's make sure that our spiritual renovations are not “coming soon,” but “coming now.”

View Full Post Source: SouthsideOnline.org Articles


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