• Church of Christ Global
    The Holy Spirit Empowers You
    AM Sermon
  • Church of Christ Global
    Baptized Again (Acts 19:1-7)
    AM Sermon
  • Church of Christ Global
    Singing with the Mind
    PM Sermon
  • Church of Christ Global
    What to Do If You Disagree
    From time to time, as we listen to sermons or attend Bible classes, something will be said with which we disagree. What should we do when this happens?

    First, be sure that you properly understood what was said. It might be that you simply did not hear what the other person was saying. Changing a single word can sometimes drastically alter the meaning of a sentence. Also, expressions taken out of context can lead to conclusions that were never intended. Take notes, re-listen to the recorded sermon (if available), study the Scriptures that were referenced in the lesson -…

  • Church of Christ Global
    One Another's

    Have you ever taken the time to consider the “one another “statements in the scriptures? The impact that would occur IF every member in the local church fully followed these passages. The encouragement would strengthen the “fainthearted”, help the weak, [ 1THess 5:14] cure the weakness in most, and build up one another.

    Consider the follow passage and look for the positive effects will have on every member!

    Joh 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you…

  • Church of Christ Global
    What About Your Parents or Other Loved Ones
    Do you hesitate to be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) or even to admit that the scriptures teach that you should be baptized to be saved (Mark 16:16) because your parents or some other loved ones have failed to do so and because you are concerned about their spiritual welfare? If so, you may be risking your eternal salvation while doing nothing to enhance their eternal destiny.

    It is natural for you to be concerned about the spiritual welfare of your parents or other loved ones. You must realize, however, that your obedience can neither save…