"And Jesus Said..."

By Dee Bowman

Here are some things Jesus said: wonderful truths, worthy of our most serious consideration–not only because of Who said them, but because of what they say to each one of us.

Please read the context of each passage so as to get the true meaning of each of these sayings of our Lord. They're wonderful!

“Go thou and do likewise....” (Luke 10:37)–Do what he did: he ran the risk to be good. We can. We should. Be a good neighbor.

“Well done, good and faithful servant...” (Matthew 25:21)–To the 5 and 2 talent men: “well done.” What a joy to hear His Divine approval!

“I am the light of the world” (John 8:12)–What effulgence, what efflorescence He brings to life! “He that followeth me shall have the light of life.”

“If any man will come after me...” (Matthew 16:24)–After–not before. Consider the dangers involved in following Him. You have to take up your own cross. But resolve to follow Him–He will lead the way.

“I am the way...” (John 14:6)–He is the way to forgiveness, to true service, to holiness. His is a one-way path to righteousness and salvation, the one way to the Father.

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations...” (Matthew 28:18)- The gospel is for every man, regardless of race, background, past life. Let others know what you have in Him.

“I am the bread of life...” (John 6:35)–Bread is no good left in the basket. Jesus will not save against a man's wishes, no man is forced to eat. It is ours both to partake and to make it available.

“I am the resurrection and the life...” (John 11:25)–Resurrection TO life as well–“yet shall he live.” What else need be said?

“Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled” (Luke 18:14)– Excessive pride is repugnant to Him who was the most humble servant ever.

“How hardly shall a rich man enter the kingdom...” (Luke 18:24)–You can't buy your way in. Ultimately, it's not what you have, but what you are that's important.

“She hath done what she could...” (Mark 14:8)– What an announcement of approval! We must do what we can with what we have where we are. It's not a matter of if you can, but if you will.

“A man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things he possesseth...” (Luke 12:15)–Things don't save–and eventually don't satisfy. Satisfaction comes with obedience, the only investment with lasting profit.

“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom..” (Luke 9:62)–Nobody likes a quitter. Besides, if you keep looking back you're apt to run into something. You have to go straight home.

“What doth it profit a man...” (Matthew 16:26)–Profit comes from investment–put nothing in, take nothing out.

“But I say unto you...” (Matthew 5)–Jesus has set matters straight. Life is a lot about who you listen to. He yearns to be heard.

“If ye love me, keep my commandments...” (John 14:15)–Love and obedience run on the same track. No command-keeping, no love. It's as simple as that. To love is to do.

“Why call ye me Lord, Lord and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46)–It's not enough to just know who He is, you have to do what He says.

“Beautiful words! Wonderful words! Wonderful words of life!” Instructions for the righteous life here, and for the abundant life hereafter. Words of the Master, who tells us what we need to hear, what we need to be. Let us listen and be wise.

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