All Mothers Are Working Mothers

By Mark White Did you know, ladies, that by the time a mother of three rears her children to age eighteen that she will have put in more than 18,000 hours of child-generated work? That's work you wouldn't have to do if you had no children. It's tiring just to think about it!

The mother who invests her time and talents in the rearing of her own children is too often unappreciated by the man and children she tries so desperately to serve. How could a little four-year-old girl or boy understand the importance of what Mommy is trying to do? We can only hope that each passing year and the maturity it brings will help children to understand. And we can only pray that a man who finds himself so fortunate will express his love and appreciation for such a wife.

We wish that every mother could understand how precious the days they invest in child rearing really are. No job anywhere could be any tougher; no job anywhere could be more important!

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